Editor module export class. All fields are optional.


optional action:Null<String>

Export action string, should be in the "[module name].[action name]" format.

optional back:Null<String>

Sets the back link. The behavior changes whether the module export contains page blocks. If it does, setting this will set the page "Back" link to the given string. If it does not, setting this will redirect the browser to the given link (HTML.goBack()).

optional backFunc:Null<Vars ‑> String>

Function that sets the back link instead of "back" parameter.

optional blocks:Null<Array<_ExportBlock>>

Page blocks list.

optional delete:Null<Bool>

If enabled, the editor will execute DELETE SQL query with row ID taken from id request variable.

optional insert:Null<Array<String>>

If set, the editor will execute INSERT SQL query with given parameters. Parameter values are taken from request variables.

optional insertParams:Null<Array<String>>

If set, the editor will execute INSERT SQL query with "params" field set to JSON encoded string of the anonymous object with given parameters. Parameter values are taken from request variables.

optional isDisabledInProduction:Null<Bool>

If enabled, this export is disabled in production. Production status is controlled by server.isProduction configuration variable.

optional isMethod:Null<Bool>

If enabled, this export will call module method specified in action.

optional noHeaders:Null<Bool>

If enabled, disables page headers and footers for this export.

optional reload:Null<String>

If set, will send a reload message to cache server after handling the request. This parameter should be in "[server module name].[entity or *]" format.

optional simpleForms:Null<Bool>

If enabled, all forms in this export are simplified (no jQuery usage).

optional table:Null<String>

Database table name. Used with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE actions.

optional title:Null<String>

Page title.

optional update:Null<Array<String>>

If set, the editor will execute UPDATE SQL query with given parameters. Parameter values are taken from request variables.

optional updateParams:Null<Array<String>>

If set, the editor will execute UPDATE SQL query with "params" field set to JSON encoded string of the anonymous object with given parameters. Parameter values are taken from request variables.

optional upload:Null<String>

If set, the editor will try to upload a file and save it with the given name. The file path is relative to neko.Web.getCwd()).