
optional autoHeight:Null<Bool>

Enables automatically calculated height from SQL query result length. Supported only for bar charts.

optional days:Null<Int>

Amount of days to draw chart for. Not supported for pie charts.

optional fields:Null<Array<String>>

Array of row fields to display. If the rows contain more than two fields, multiple lines/bars will be drawn.

optional height:Null<Int>

Chart height. Equals 500 by default. Does not do anything if autoHeight is enabled.

optional id:Null<String>

Page element ID. Must be unique in case when multiple charts are displayed. This ID will be used in page sub-permissions when displaying dashboard.

optional multi:Null<Array<{name:String, id:String}>>

Enables multiple lines for line chart or multiple bars for bar chart.

optional multiList:Null<Array<String>>

As an alternative to using "multi" parameter you can build it by supplying "multiPre" prefix and "multiList" list.

optional multiPre:Null<String>

As an alternative to using "multi" parameter you can build it by supplying "multiPre" prefix and "multiList" list.

optional query:Null<String>

SQL SELECT query that should return a list of rows with fields defined in the "fields" parameter. If the rows contain more than two fields, multiple lines/bars will be drawn. "query" and "values" parameters are mutually exclusive.

optional trace:Null<Bool>

If enabled, will display the query used to draw that chart.

optional type:Null<_ChartType>

Chart type. Needs to be set when used as an argument for registerDashboardChart().

optional values:Null<List<Dynamic>>

List of anonymous objects with fields defined in the "fields" parameter. If the rows contain more than two fields, multiple lines/bars will be drawn. "query" and "values" parameters are mutually exclusive.

optional width:Null<Int>

Chart width. Equals 980 by default.